My Child’s Tooth Fell Out with the Root Still In
Your kid’s tooth fell out prematurely, but you see that the root is still okay. You’re now wondering what to do. Should you put it back? Or should you throw it away? Well, it depends on two key factors: 1) how long has the tooth been displaced from its socket and 2) how well did you take care of it. If you did a great job, then there’s a high chance that you can just put it back in successfully and save your child’s tooth.
To be more prepared in situations like this, take a look at this guide on how to take care of primary or permanent teeth that have fallen out of their socket, along with some cost-effective options to save your kid’s smile or yours.
What To Do If Your Kid’s Baby Teeth Fall Out
Kids start to lose their baby teeth one by one at round age 7. If a baby tooth loosens and falls out on its own, putting it back in the socket is not necessary. This process is called exfoliation.
Exfoliation occurs naturally and it only means that the tooth gone will soon be replaced by its permanent counterpart. The permanent tooth will erupt into the space previously occupied by the baby tooth. Putting the baby tooth back in the socket will disrupt this natural process and may even result in the damage of the erupting permanent tooth.
Nonetheless, for kids aged 3 years old and below, it is advised to save the tooth and have the dentist replant it back in its socket. Saving the baby teeth as much as possible will allow your kid to develop normal speech and eating habits.
What To Do If Your Kid’s Permanent Teeth Fall Out
If it is a permanent tooth that falls out by accident, don’t panic right away. As long as the root/s are still intact, the tooth can be replanted back to its socket.
To ensure that the tooth is still viable for replantation, follow these tips:
- Contact your dentist right away and tell them what happened. Some dental clinics are open for emergency cases during weekends and holidays.
- Hold the tooth by its crown, or the part that is visible in the mouth. Never touch the root/s.
- Gently wash the tooth with saline solution, or with tap water if the other is not available. Never scrub the tooth, especially the root surface, as you may just end up damaging those fibers that will help reattach the tooth roots to the jaw bone.
- If the tooth can be stored in the patient’s mouth, do it. Otherwise, you soak it in milk or saline solution.
Go to your dentist as soon as you can to have the tooth replanted. The earlier you go, the better the outcome will be.
Oral Answers | Baby Teeth:
Oral Answers | Adult Teeth: